How We Achieve Natural-Looking Facelift Outcomes

Mature woman with hand on face (model)

The pursuit of youth and beauty can sometimes lead to results that look artificial. At CaloAesthetics® Plastic Surgery Center, we balance the desire for a youthful appearance with the grace of natural aging by using advanced techniques. A facelift done right doesn’t merely stretch the skin but addresses the deeper layers of the face to restore a more youthful contour.

At our practice, every facelift goes beyond mere skin-deep adjustments—it’s an artful transformation that celebrates your unique features.

Understanding the Facelift Procedure at CaloAesthetics

When considering a facelift, clinically known as a rhytidectomy, it’s important to understand the sophistication of the procedure. We pride ourselves on delivering results that celebrate what makes you unique. You’ll look like yourself, only more youthful and refreshed. Our approach to achieving natural-looking facelift results involves several key steps:

  • A Comprehensive Consultation:
    • Assessment: We begin with a personalized consultation to understand your aesthetic goals and the unique characteristics of your skin and facial structure.
    • Customization: We offer 3 types of facelifts: mini, lower, and traditional. This step is crucial for tailoring the facelift to your individual needs.
  • Advanced Technique and Precision: We use the latest surgical techniques to reposition the underlying tissues rather than merely tighten the skin. This approach involves:
    • Subtle Lifting: Lifting sagging skin gently to a position that reflects your natural youthfulness without over-correction.
    • Muscle Tightening: Addressing the deeper structures of the face to create a foundation that supports lasting results.
    • Volume Redistribution: Using techniques to mimic the fullness present in a younger face.
  • Discreet Incisions:
    • Inconspicuous Placement: We make incisions within the hairline and natural creases of the skin to ensure they remain hidden.
    • Minimally Invasive Options: For suitable candidates, we offer a mini facelift that requires smaller incisions and typically results in a faster recovery.
  • Refined Closure Techniques:
    • Suture Artistry: We close incisions with the utmost care to promote healing and minimize any potential scarring.
    • Personalized Aftercare: Postoperative care is tailored to your lifestyle and healing progress, ensuring optimal recovery and results.

Dr. Quintero and I understand the delicate balance between too little and too much. We ensure the facial structure is repositioned and not just pulled back, avoiding the dreaded “windswept” look.

We execute each step of the facelift procedure with an eye for detail, an understanding of facial anatomy, and a commitment to artistry. This meticulous approach ensures that the results look natural and are as individual as you are.

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Before & After Facelift Surgery
Before & After Facelift Case 244 View #1 View in Louisville & Lexington, KY
Before & After Facelift Surgery
Before & After Facelift Case 495 View #1 View in Louisville & Lexington, KY
Before & After Facelift Surgery
Before & After Facelift Case 243 View #1 View in Louisville & Lexington, KY
Before & After Facelift Surgery

Expectations and Results

These are some of the benefits a facelift can achieve:

  • Lifting sagging skin for a firmer appearance
  • Firming lax facial musculature for enhanced contours
  • Sculpting the jawline for a more defined profile
  • Minimizing the appearance of a double chin

You can expect to turn back the clock by 5 to 10 years, and the outcome can last up to a decade or longer. However, genetics and lifestyle greatly influence the longevity of results. A healthy lifestyle, vigilant protection from sun exposure, and a skincare regimen using high-quality or medical-grade products will help preserve your more youthful look.

Facelift vs. Neck Lift: What You Need to Know

While a facelift focuses on the lower 2/3 of the face, a neck lift targets the area under the chin and the neck, addressing issues such as a double chin or “turkey neck.” These procedures are often combined to create a thorough rejuvenation.

Enhancing the Facelift: Complementary Procedures

A facelift can be the centerpiece of facial rejuvenation, but additional procedures can enhance the overall result. Consider these additional enhancements:

  • Eyelid surgery refines the eye area by correcting drooping eyelids and diminishing under-eye bags.
  • Brow lift surgery elevates a drooping brow line and smoothing forehead lines to complement your facelift.
  • Neck lift surgery extends the rejuvenation below the jawline for a seamless transition to a gracefully contoured neck in harmony with your facial features.
  • Fat transfer adds volume where it has been lost due to aging. This natural filler technique uses your own fat, harvested from another area of the body, to enhance facial fullness. This can be particularly effective in restoring youthful contours in the cheeks, under the eyes, and around the lips.
  • Nonsurgical treatments refine and enhance the skin’s texture and tone. Injectables such as BOTOX® and dermal fillers can smooth out wrinkles and fill in lost volume. Laser skin resurfacing can address surface irregularities, promoting a radiant complexion that highlights the facelift’s transformative effects.

By restoring volume, addressing drooping brows or eyelids, and smoothing the skin, these complementary procedures contribute to holistic results that look anything but “done.”

Schedule a Consultation

A natural-looking facelift at CaloAesthetics offers a beautiful rejuvenation that aligns with your identity. If you have questions or are ready to get started, call us at (502) 899-9979 or request a consultation.

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